Health Magazine for Men

What Are the Causes of Bloody Feces?

What Are the Causes of Bloody Feces?

Have you ever experienced a situation where there is some blood on your stool? If you do, you might possibly have a medical condition that causes bloody feces (berak berdarah). It must be a frightening experience to have because it can make you feel very panicked. Hence, it might be a good idea to know some possible medical conditions that cause this situation so that you are familiar with it. Usually, a bright red stool in color might indicate a lower gastrointestinal medical disease. While darker stool indicated an upper gastrointestinal disorder. Here are some of the possible medical conditions if you have bloody feces:

Upper Gastrointestinal Bleed

an upper gastrointestinal bleed happens when there is blood that comes from your upper gastrointestinal area. these areas include your esophagus, stomach and also small intestine. usually, some conditions that cause these areas to bleed are ulcers and also cancers. if your stool is dark red in color, your doctor might order you to undergo some tests that include putting a small camera into your intestine in order to find out about the cause. depending on the cause, people with this condition might also undergo a surgery.

Anal Fissure

Anal fissure is a condition that happens when your anal had a crack in the skin, causing a fissure to develop. Usually, it will be very painful and will cause the stool to have a bright red blood in color. Anal fissure is usually happening in children. The most popular cause for it is constipation. Fortunately, this condition can heal on its own with time. You can also use some medications such as pain killer or jelly medication to help ease the pain.


In medical terms, polyps refer to any abnormal projection from the intestine wall. The appearance of polyps will increase the chance of having colorectal cancer. Colorectal cancer is among the cancers that cause many deaths especially within the elderly age group. This is why it is very important for any person aged 50 years old and above to sign up for colorectal screening. If polyps can be detected early, a surgery and combination of chemotherapy might be needed to remove it. This early detection of polyps will definitely save your life.


Hemorrhoids are defined as swollen blood vessels in the anus. The risk factors for hemorrhoids include prolonged constipation, diarrhea, heavy lifting and also pregnancy. People with hemorrhoids will always feel uncomfortable because they cannot sit properly and this will obviously impair their daily activity. Besides, hemorrhoids also can cause itchiness and bleeding. Most of the treatment for this type of condition includes non-surgical methods and home remedy such as increasing the fiber intake. However, some serious cases often need a surgical referral.

Colorectal Cancer

Cancer is one of the scariest medical conditions. People often feel terrified when they are told that they have cancer because of its ability to become worse with time. For colorectal cancer, one of the commonest symptoms is bloody feces. The color is usually dark red in color indicating the bleeding comes from the deeper part of the gastrointestinal system. For a colorectal cancer patient, a surgery that combines radiotherapy and chemotherapy is often the choice here.

These are the five common causes for bloody feces. Keep in mind that there are still some conditions which are not mentioned here because they are uncommon. If you think you have any of the following conditions, it is advisable for you to meet your doctor as soon as possible. Make sure you tell your doctor every single detail about your condition so that your doctor can make a clearer diagnosis.